Stockholms Asylbyrå Logo

Stockholms Asylbyrå

case study - web design

In a bright and humble mid town office lies a established lawfirm dedicated to migration and asylum law. Stockholm Asylum Bureau has, during it's five year existence, been the only swedish law firm who has made it's sole purpose to help individuals seeking asylum, permanent residence or work permit in Sweden.

Current Website

Though the current website serves it's purpose of showing off the informative content to the user, I was intruiged of the idea that the same goal could be achieved in a more aesthetically pleasing and simpler manner.

Stockholms Aylbyrå Splash Page Stockholms Aylbyrå About Us Page Stockholms Aylbyrå Contact Page Stockholms Aylbyrå News Page
The Splash, about, conatct & news pages

Focus on the Brand

The percieved 'fualts' of the current design lies mostly in the darkness of the design and by proxy the disregard for readability. Using bright text on a dark background is a great method for grabbing the viewers attention, but it is murder to persons perceptions and patients when it comes to long sentences and paragraphs of text.

I chose to focus my design on the positives of the website as well as the core components of the brand. These include the distinctive orange hue of the title and button text, the sprawling world map in the bakground representing migration and internationality, and the beautiful photographs that seem almost hidden througout the site.

Stockholms Aylbyrå Splash Page Stockholms Aylbyrå About Us Page Stockholms Aylbyrå Contact Page

A New Face

To some degree I still wanted to keep in style with the old concept. If nothing else but to make the transition for the user as easy as possible.

Stockholms Aylbyrå Splash Page Design
Splash Page

The first step was simple. Invert the white and black color scheme so that the dark text falls on a bright bakground making the whole experience more positive and lighter on the eyes.

Stockholms Aylbyrå About Us Page Design
About Us Page

The beautiful pictures are allowed the space they deserve, sometimes accompanied by referential text, sometimes as background images to assist in creating a sense of depth within the page.

Stockholms Aylbyrå Splash Page Design
News Page

The humble and happy orange takes center stage in the header, titles, highlighted information and links allowing it to be of use as the attenion grabber it is.

Stockholms Aylbyrå Splash Page Design
Career Page

Finally the wolrd map takes it's rightful place at the top of the website, with focus on the country this whole endeavour pertains to. It fuses with the orange while it's blacks are now put to better use in the navigation as well as providing the website with a clean modern look.

Stockholms Aylbyrå Splash Page Design
Contact Page

When all is said and done...

Stockholm Asylum Bureau works hard and purposefully for a positive goal, helping and changing the lives of many families in the process. A website that says just that is the least they deserve.