Fight Card Logo Design

Fight Card

Logo Design - Clothing Print Design

This clothing brand is all about the fight. With deep roots in exercise, health and mixed martial arts Fight Card wants to provide the MMA community with a brand they can rally behind.

The given task was to create an intruiging and energetic print for their web store. Completely customized, smart and detailed.

Representing the Mantra

Once the concept was decided upon, a violent design inspired by the japanese Tokugawa era, the first endevour was to recreate the company's mantra in the style of the rest of the shirt.

The scentence "Live fully, die empty." were written out in japanese and experimented on with various typographies and styles. However, ultimately the design demanded a fresh take on the letters and with some effort each individual letter was reshaped to fit a harder, modernized, western look.

Fight Card Mantra Illustration Fight Card Mantra Illustration Fight Card Mantra Illustration Fight Card Mantra Illustration
This process involved consultants very familiar with the japanese language.

The Right Look

Many facets of the japanese historical culture was researched but in time the inevitable destination was the famous samurai of old lore with their battle helms and masks used to strike fear in the hearts of their enemies.

Fight Card Brainstorm Fight Card Print Sketch Fight Card Print Sketch
A sample of the orginal sketches and concepts.


To accompany this print a custom logo also had to be made. One that also felt like something you might have found in a 18th-century Edo, but something that still stood out from the mantra.

Fight Card Logo Sketch
the original logo
Fight Card Logo Design
The stylized logo


Putting it all together is the most important and unforgiving step. Everyhting made seperately must embrace eachother and function as one.

Fight Card Mantra Illustration Fight Card Mantra Illustration
The sketch and final print

The Final Form

This print was dubbed "Strength" by the japanese symbol in the middle of the mask saying just that.

Fight Card Mantra Illustration
The final print design

When all is said and done...

Fightcard pushes the limits of their precieved branding, not being chained down by what it means to be a fighter. Rather they explore new paths and uncharted waters so that everyone can in some way sympathize with their clear message: Live fully, die empty.